
Famous faceted saphire gemstones

  Photo - Blue Belle of Asia Natural saphire  Napoléon’s Engagement Ring for Joséphine      Though the ring is exquisite, it did not mark the start to an especially happy marriage. Though the smitten emperor is said to have spent a fortune on the ring, which snugly pairs a teardrop-shaped saphire with a diamond, for his love Joséphine, their union quickly failed. Napoléon left to conquer Milan, and Joséphine, preferring to stay in Paris with her children from a previous marriage, engaged in an affair with Lt. Hippolyte Charles, rendering her husband aghast and resentful for years. The ring sold for $1.17 million Photo -  Napoléon’s Engagement Ring for Joséphine Blue Giant of the Orient      The largest faceted blue saphire in the world at 486 carats and reportedly measuring two and a half inches at the widest point, this aptly named “giant” seems as though it would be difficult to lose track of. After the gem was discovered in Sri Lanka in 1907, the ring was bought by an American colle

Natural faceted saphire gemstone

Photo - Natural Star saphire Natural faceted saphire gemstone       The cut of any saphire gemstone is a big determinant in it’s value and appeal. Saphire rough can be cut into various shapes with different cut styles, depending on it’s quality and color. There are many factors when deciding how to shape and create a polished saphire out of a rough. With precise and skilled cutting the brilliance and beautiful blue of the sapphire reveals itself and makes a stunning focal point in any jewelry. Photo - Faceted blue saphire gemstone cuts Popular faceted saphire gemstone cuts      The most popular cuts for a saphire gemstone are oval, round and cushion. These are commonly used for all types of jewelry like rings, pendants and earrings. The saphire is formed with a hexagonal crystalline structure. This enables it to be cut into a variety of shapes that are durable even with regular wear. Shapes like round that require more rough wastage when they are being cut, which means that more rough

Natural Cabochon saphire gemstone

  Photo - Natural blue cabochon saphire gemstone Saphire cabochon gemstone cut method       Cabochon cut method of cutting gemstones with a convex, rounded surface that is polished but unfaceted. Opaque, asteriated, iridescent, opalescent, or chatoyant stones are usually cut en cabochon. The back of a normal cabochon-cut stone is flat, but it may be hollowed to lighten the colour.  Photo - Natural blue cabochon saphire gemstone Cabochon saphire, the new trend in jewelry      A big trend in the world of jewellery design, these spectacular gemstones appear in many guises. One of the oldest forms of gem cutting, the technique involves giving a gemstone a curved, dome-like shape before smoothing the surface and polishing it. The bottom of the stones tends to be quite flat, making them ideal for setting into jewellery.  The cabochon sapphire is the perfect choice for making jewelry, ring or earings. Photo - Natural blue cabochon saphire earings Cabochon saphire the chakra gemstone        Wh

Natural star saphire gemstone

Natural star saphire gemstone       Natural star saphire gemstone showcases star-like effect know as asterism on the gemstones Sur face when viewed under a direct source. Photo - Natural blue star saphire gemstone       Natural blue, yellow, pink and black star saphires       In popularity, natural blue star saphire is the most popular gemstone, followed by yellow star saphire, pink star saphire and black star saphire After gray, white, purple star saphires. Photo - Natural blue star saphire ring  6 ray and 12 ray black star saphire gemstone      Real, natural star saphires are just enhanced saphires. It is created when the saphire crystals are intergrown with fibrous inclusions of rutile or silk that reflects light in the stone’s cut end cabochon as a 12- or 6-rayed star. Sometimes we can finde 12 ray black star saphire gemstone. It appears to glide across the face of the stone as you look at it from a different angle. This optical effect is known as asterism and increases the rarity

Saphire gemstone

Saphire gemstone      Saphire is a precious gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum, consisting of aluminium oxide (α-Al2O3) with trace amounts of elements such as iron, titanium, chromium, vanadium, or magnesium. The name saphire is derived from the Latin "saphirus" and the Greek "sapheiros", both of which mean blue. Saphire is one of the two gemstone varieties of corundum, the other being ruby.                     Photo - Natural real saphire gemstones  Natural saphire gemstone the power stone      Fr om antiquity, gemstones have been thought to possess mysterious powers. Sa phire is said to be the wisdom stone, stimulating concentration, enhancing creativity and promoting purity and depth of thought.      It is believed to focus and calm the mind as well as remove unwanted thoughts, depression and mental tension. It is known as the stone of new love and commitment and is claimed to be useful in encouraging faithfulness and loyalty. Saphire is thought to brin